
Fundamental changes in how we govern can help to create a more democratic society.

Cooperation, collaboration, and some sort of Proportional Representation are key elements.

Provincially, a "White Paper on Democratic Renewal" was issued on July 9th, 2015. It is available from the government website at:

Here is some information about organizations forging new paths,

engaging voters in preparation for a Fall 2015 federal election. --

"Leadnow runs campaigns on the major issues of our time, engages people in participatory decision-making, and

organizes in communities across Canada." from their declaration:

"We the undersigned Canadian citizens demand the following basic democratic rights:

  • to cast an equal and effective vote and to be represented fairly in Parliament, regardless of political belief or place of residence.

  • to be governed by a fairly elected Parliament where the share of seats held by each political party closely reflects the popular vote.

  • to live under legitimate laws approved by a majority of elected Parliamentarians representing a majority of voters."

The Citizens' Alliance of PEI does not necessary endorse all the opinions in any of the links provided.